Go Higher The Great Game of BASE is strategy & chance card game for 2 to 5 players.
It is recommended for age 14 and above, but anyone can play with a bit of supervision.
You and your friends play as BASE jumpers on a mission to successfully jump from the 4 types of objects that form the BASE acronym.
To win the game, be the first jumper to complete this mission. But be aware that the adventure might come at a cost!
To begin, scout new exit points to jump from. Then climb to altitude and mitigate the risks using your skills along the way. Make good judgement calls before you take the leap and with a bit of luck, you might succeed! Otherwise be prepared to live the consequences...
The deck includes :
- 25 different exit points cards, some of them based on real locations in the world!
- 24 altitude cards to get you up there and 1 lucky heli-ride card to skip ahead!
- 26 risk/skill cards to make it difficult for everyone else or to save you from trouble!
- 14 jump cards to get into action!
- 8 action cards to spice up the game!
- 15 consequence cards to remind you that you can not be complacent while BASE jumping!
It comes with a 12 face die in a slick velvet pouch, that you can easily throw into your stash bag so you can continue living the dream between outings.
Just like BASE jumping, the game is easy to learn, but difficult to master! Let's see if you can make it out alive!
The game is to be released worldwide in the upcoming Kickstarter campaign.
Signup below to be notified when the moment arrives!
It's time to manifest! Sign up to know when Go higher The Great Game of BASE is coming out! Just good news, no marketing crap, I promise.
BASE jumping is multi-facets sport. People do it for fun, for the freedom, for spiritual enlightenment, to escape, to find meaning, to connect with friends or to live life to the fullest. Regardless of the reasons that drive each of us to take part of these unique adventures, the underlaying common ground is the seriousness of the choices we make and seriousness of the consequences involved.
In making this game, I intend to bring a dose of fun, an escape from the daily routine and a way to connect with friends. But mostly, I intend to bring a tool for people to discuss and learn about the important aspect of BASE jumping that are vital to a long career.
Go Higher The Great Game of Base is based on experiences, risks and consequences involved in the act of jumping fixed objects. I encourage players to use this opportunity to engage in serious discussions around the vital topics brought in the game.
Whether you play to relive your favorite adventure or to create a learning experience to teach new comers, let me know what you love about the game and how it can be improved so I can continue to pursue this mission.
Thank you!
My name is Bruno Gohier, a software engineer, skydiver, base jumper, paraglider and creator of Go Higher Games. When I was a kid in school, the teacher gave us the assignment to describe one of our wildest dreams. My answer was to be able to freefall for over an hour. In my child's mind, this was a realistic possibility - you just had to go high enough, right? Puzzled, the teacher later asked why I had picked this subject. I answered that when I jumped from a chair down to the ground, I could not remember the moment when I was not touching the chair nor the ground. There was a bit of a blackout, it was happening too fast, so I wanted something longer to be able to fully experience this instant of weightlessness. And chasing this sensation became a fascination.
Fast forward to my teen years, I got pulled into skydiving and was discovering the surreal feeling of falling through the clouds. It is true what they say, that once you start flying you never look at the sky the same way again. Modern BASE jumping was in it's infancy at the time, but I knew somehow that this was a possibility, and a frightening one! My body was not ready to live the fear, but my mind was always going back to this idea of going from stable ground into dead air without a sound, and gradually building up the speed. What a beautiful thought!
I spent the next two decades learning to freefly, training, coaching, competing, in the sky and in tunnels, and I participated in two world championships. During that time, I read everything that was available about BASE jumping. When I finally got the courage to jump myself, I was well aware that if I wanted to survive this sport I needed an exit strategy. Some people let the sport decide for them, but that is not a gamble I was ready to endorse. Knowing that I wanted to have children, I made a promise to myself that I would hang my rig when that day would come. This was an easy thing to say at that time...
For 10 years, I had the chance to live my childhood dream of leaping off of solid ground into silence with the most interesting people on earth : flying humans! Together we visited our favorite local objects and traveled abroad to live memorable adventures.
In 2020, I became a father.
I am very proud to say that I was able to hold my promise and packed my canopy for the last time. This turned out to be a very difficult thing to do, much more than I expected it to be. I thought I would miss the jumps the most, but it is the people, the planning of a jump and the celebrations that follow that I was nostalgic for. I felt like an outcast to my own tribe for a while and then realized I needed to pursue something that would keep me connected with the jumping world.
At that time, I was working in the video game industry and was learning a new programming language. I used the early concept of a BASE jumping card game I had in mind to teach myself. It quickly turned into a passion project that I chipped away at over the years. I programmed all the rules and was able to play the game on a computer with friends. I then created AI players to simulate hundreds of games per second and extract statistics from the games outcomes. This allowed me to balance the cards properties and make sure the games could finish within a predictable time. When I started having good results, I hired a talented artist to create the visuals of the cards and had decks printed to share the fun! This evolved to be what The Great Game of BASE is today.
In 2024, I became a father for the second time. And to this date, I am still jump sober.
I miss the adventure, the camaraderie, the uncertainty on the way up, the exhilaration of the flight and the peaceful bliss after the landing. I live all those emotions vicariously through my friend's stories and videos. I keep updated via the excellent podcasts and books available out there and I try to find some relevance through this project. In the quest to provide veteran jumpers a great game to play during rainy days, I also bring a tool for new jumpers to learn. This game is based on lived experiences and tackles real risks, skills and consequences involved in the act of jumping. It provides an opportunity to spark discussions about those important topics that every jumper should be aware of and reflect on in order to maximize their career.
If you haven't had a crack at it yet, I invite you to play the game and let me know what your favorite part is!
All the best!
- Bruno
The plane is leaving! Sign up to know when Go higher The Great Game of BASE is coming out! Just good news, no marketing crap, I promise.
Copyright © 2024 Go Higher Games